There are two different types of Charter fishing. The first is where you have the Captain and first mate set all the lines and when a fish bites they hand you the rod after making sure there could be a fish on it. This is the typical way, but we don't do that here. The second way is my way and from the start you are given instructions on how to set lines and fight the fish yourself. You are fishing the hands-on way and you help with everything so you can get the full experience. The time goes by faster, and your experience on Lake Superior will be something you talk about for a long time. So it's really your choice on who you want to fish with. Green Eyes #2 is a 1979 36' Trojan which can be taken for your fishing adventure. There is lots of space with covered shelter to get out of the weather, and yes there is a close bathroom on board . From there on, all that's necessary is patience as it may take the fish awhile to bite, depending on the day and water temperatures. The area we cover on Lake Superior on the Minnesota side is from Duluth up to Knife River. On the Wisconsin side from Duluth/Superior to the Brule River. In the hot summer days we might have to travel out into the Lake to find the right water temperature as the fish don't like the warmer waters near shore. While fishing Lake Superior you might catch Lake Trout, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout(Steel Head) Walleye, Coho(Silver) or Chinook(King) Salmon. Salmon feeds close to the surface while trout might feed 200 feet down in the lake. Fishing laws of Wisconsin and Minnesota are different so we have to pay attention to what waters we are fishing. In Wisconsin you can keep a Rainbow Trout if it's over the 26 inch length requirement, and in Minnesota any native Rainbow trout you have to release, only clipped Rainbow Trout can be kept. Wisconsin residents required a fishing license with a Great Lake Trout Stamp. I do sell a one day fishing license on my boat for the fee of $14.00, this will cover you for 24 hours. Minnesota residents required a DNR angling license with a Trout Stamp. Minnesota residents over the age of 65 don't require a Trout Stamp nor children under the age of 18. Children age 16 and 17 do required a valid State fishing license. If needed I do sell one day resident fishing license for $13.00 and non-resident fishing license for $15.00. They cover the trout stamp requirement. All you need to bring is warm clothing, rubber or soft sole shoe and maybe rain gear if the weather calls for rain as well as sun and wind protection. Food and beverages are allowed on the boat for your fishing party, and alcohol is allow but remember you have to able to fish, as you don't want to get sick. Don't forget a second cooler to haul your fish in, from the days catch! Lake Superior fishing is a great time to take your family or friends out. We can take up to six (6) people on board for fishing. When booking please check the box to tell me if your are a veterans so I can apply the discount. Barker Island Charter Dock has lots of space for parking. Just look for the old Whale Back Boat and that is how you enter Barker Island. There are many Motels or Hotels close to Barker Island to book a nights stay. Some Gift shops are located on the island and are open during warm weather. Check out the Lodging page for special rates for rooms. Richard Bong Veterans Memorial is at the entrance of Barker Island and tells you the story of the local fight pilot of WW II.